Back in the early days at Ballard Farmers Market


The Ramen & Tacos market stand is coming to a close this month.

This was harder to write than we anticipated, so we'll cut to the chase: At the end of this month we’ll have our last regular services of Ramen & Tacos. 

As many of you know, a plan for a brick and mortar has been simmering on the back burner for some time. We are taking this break to recharge and align these important next steps of our business. This break will let us focus on the future with the required space and clarity to not find ourselves in the position we are in now.

Making from scratch, locally sourced food is not an easy task. Setting up (and breaking down) your kitchen in the street every. single. service. does not leave time in the day for all the small business obligations, much less sleep. Throw in the struggle of tight margins and a dash of inflation, and you’ve got a recipe for serious burnout.

Although we’ve tried coming up with ways to make our market stand easier and more financially viable, we have found it near impossible to do so while also being in the midst of it.

We are not, however, going completely dark. We’re still available for private catering (our 2023 books are now open!), and are really looking forward to some exciting pop-ups and fun projects (fermentation classes, anyone?) over the next several months. We are also making appearances at the U-District & Ballard markets just before the holidays in November (11/19-20) and December (12/17-18).

It's difficult to express how much we love and appreciate each and every one of you who has supported us over the better half of a decade–customers, staff, and loved ones alike. None of this would have been possible without all of you to help hold this ship together through the fun times and the rough ones. We are eternally grateful to be welcomed by the Neighborhood Farmers Market Association, Seattle Farmers Market Association, and the Queen Anne Farmers Market and all their market managers. And of course, to have made so many relationships with this outstanding community of farmers and vendors who literally made Brothers & Co what it is today, alongside our incredible staff who have shaped our core values and what we strive to become moving forward.

We’ll have our regular U-District & Ballard markets through the end of this month, with our last regular services on Oct 29th at University District and Oct 30th at Ballard. So come nosh on some tacos and slurp some noodles while you can, and from the very bottom of our sentimental hearts, THANK YOU! We can’t wait to feed you again soon!